Sunday, December 2, 2012

Natural High Blood Pressure Cure

I am determined to not have to take pills every day for high blood pressure.  I am also determined to eat my favorite foods. What I found is a natural cure for high blood pressure, that lets me almost do both.

Need to admit that this idea is not mine, but my doctors. My wife had been after me for at least 7 years to go to the doctor. I really was holding out hoping that she would forget, and just leave me alone. She didn't. After many comments about me dying early and not being around long enough to see my kids have their kids, I finally made an appointment.

I knew going into the appointment that my blood pressure was pretty high. In fact so high when the doctor saw the blood pressure numbers, he stopped they question he was asking me about exercise and started telling me something I had never knew. Carbohydrates are toxic.

He went on to say what he sees most in his patients today is the effects of carb overdoses. He went on to tell  me to keep my carb intake between 50 and 150 grams per day. Must say at that point I was thinking there is no way. I love carbs, and I just can't do it.

Just when I was thinking I would ignore him, he added "lets make an appointment for the spring if you can get these numbers down we won't put you on a pill." He now had my attention. I couldn't ignore his advice.

Here is what I did to lower my blood pressure naturally

  • Got an app called Lose It for my phone and kindle fire. I started to figure out what I should and shouldn't be eating.
  • Kept track of what I was eating, and looking specifically at the carb content for everything. 
  • Modified my diet. Best part I can still eat most of my favorite foods, just in smaller amounts. 
  • Started eating between 50 and 150 grams of carbs per day. I am not perfect, but most days I am under 150.

I dropped 10 points off both the top and bottom blood pressure number in a month, and it has kept dropping.

My favorite 5 natural blood pressure lowing foods

1) Omelets with ham, peppers, mushrooms, and cheese
2) Cottage cheese with flax seeds
3) Cheeseburger, with ice tea (sadly fries are now carb toxic)
4) Shell on peanuts
5) A can of tuna with lettuce, cheese, vinegar and oil

This is not my doctor, but he quotes the same statistics, and the latest study 

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